Clallam 2 Fire-Rescue Residential Burning Guidelines.
Citizens that reside within the Fire District's boundary who wish to burn seasoned natural vegetation must follow these guidelines. If the burn pile is larger than 4 feet by 4 feet by 3 feet high, you must obtain a commercial burn permits from the Fire District. Call (360) 457-2550 for more information. Residential burning does not require a permit but these guidelines must be followed or penalties may apply.
Thank you
Read the requirements for residential burning below. Fires larger than 4X4 will require a commercial burn permit to be issued. Please call (360) 457-2550 for details.
THERE IS AN ANNUAL BURN BAN FROM JULY 1 to OCT. 1. These dates are subject to change depending on weather conditions. It is your responsibility to check with the Fire District to make sure that burning is allowed.
Outdoor burning is prohibited at all times within the Port Angeles Urban Growth Area, except for recreational cooking fires.
Click here for Port Angeles UGA Map
- Burn piles may not be larger than 4 feet by 4 feet by 3 feet high.
- Burning is not allowed if wind is blowing from any direction at more than five (5) miles per hour.
- The burn pile must be located a minimum of sixty (60) feet from any structure.
- The burn pile must be a minimum of five hundred (500) feet from any forest slash.
- No residential fire shall be commenced before 6:00 a.m., and no material shall be added to any residential fire after 6:00 p.m.
- A responsible person shall remain with the fire until the fire is extinguished.
- Only one (1) residential fire is allowed to be burning at any one time.
- A shovel and connected water hose shall be on site and immediately available.
- If the fire creates a nuisance from smoke or from flying ash it must be extinguished.
- No fires shall be conducted during burn bans. Please call 360-457-2550 to check on the status of bans prior to burning.
- If an outdoor container is used for burning, it must be constructed of concrete or masonry with a completely enclosed combustion chamber and equipped with a permanently attached spark arrester constructed of iron, heavy wire mesh or other noncombustible material with openings not larger than one half inch.
- Metal burn barrels are not permitted.
- It is illegal to burn trash of any kind including paper, cardboard, construction debris, etc. This permit allows for burning of natural vegetation only.
Penalties may be assessed for violations of these rules. In addition, the Fire District may recover costs incurred during response, control, or extinguishment of an unlawful or out-of-control fire. The property owner/contractor assumes responsibility for damage to any structure, utility line/pole, tree/shrub, fence, road/right of way or other public/private edifice by smoke, flying ash or flame, and accepts responsibility for any claimed adverse affects to the health of any person or persons in the path of said smoke/flying ash.